20+ tracks of the goodness. I wish I could spend more time on this site. My brain can hardly keep up with my 9-5 these days. I’ll do my best to keep it coming though. I know you guys need me…
last week i found this stuff
Last Week I Found This Stuff: IX
I know I’m mad late on this but this week has kicked my ass. Here are 14 choice selections from last week. I have a bunch of stuff coming this afternoon including a ton of hip hop so be ready!
Last Week I Found This Stuff: VIII
I feel so bad for lagging on my post game but the life of a young hustler does not leave me with much free time. Last week I found 20+ dope ass tracks for you to vibe with. In this week’s installment of “Last Week I Found This Stuff”, I was able to get a variety of tracks listed including some very dope indie rock & hip hop. Take a listen and pass it on!
Last Week I Found This Stuff: VII
Another fat list of tasty tracks from the previous 7 days. I know I have been lagging on the posts but things have been pretty busy for this one man show as of late. Lots of dope music on the way and hopefully I can let the cat out of the bag sooner than later on some major news for this here little music blog of mine.
Last Week I Found This Stuff: VI
Man last week really slowed me down on the blog tip. Between getting nasty sick and running off to Vegas for a few days, I wasn’t able to get all of my regular posting up. Please excuse the weak edition of “Last Week I Found This Stuff” and get ready for an onslaught of posts (17 are on deck right now.. fml)
Follow me on Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/alwayshustle
Last Week I Found This Stuff: V
Another week down means I have some choice offerings to put in front of you. Most of this weeks picks already made the blog, but you might find a few surprises that will get you going today.
Last Week I Found This Stuff: IV
Another edition of “Last Week I Found This Stuff” is ready for you to dive in to. This week we have more of the same… Awesome music. Artists this week include: Cozz, J. Cole, aywy, Lil Bibby, Kepler gold, Ekali, Sam Gellaitry, Kembe, Arcade Fire, Flume, and many many more! Enjoy and please share responsibly.