The every so talented Soul Bandit is back with something new for you to sing your eyes into. Besides being an incredibly talented producer and DJ, Soul Bandit now takes her turn at video production with her first ever original video. She made this whole thing by herself (which, all things considered, is pretty awesome since she is not a video producer or director of any kind)) and she had this to say about her latest piece of art:
“Although conceptually the video is completely separate from the meaning behind the song, I feel like the track has a very spacey/outer-worldly feel to it. I just wanted to have fun with making some visuals to go along with the song, so I just put together what felt right in the moment. This is my first attempt at (single handedly) making a full length visual accompaniment to a song, so although it isn’t perfect I enjoyed experimenting with making it and I feel like, when combined, it creates an appropriately enhanced experience.” – Soul Bandit
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