Almost Legal with Tommy Chong – feat Jemayel Khäwåja

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Sometimes my friends do really cool things. In this case the good homie Jemayel Khäwåja got a chance to join the legendary Tommy Chong on his new talk show “Almost Legal”. Jemayel is an incredible writer and is currently the “Editor-at-large” for Thump. You can also find him creating amazing content for “people & companies who can’t post good” at  Black Circle Media. Check out the episode and add him as a friend on Facebook. The industry needs more people like him for sure.

From Jemayel:

“A few weeks ago I was a guest on Tommy Chong’s new talk show ‘Almost Legal’ to talk about dance music. The episode is up, and all I can say is that I hope my mum doesn’t watch it.”

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